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Vintage flower earrings with blue enamel and clear rhinestones in gold-tone metal. Earrings have french clip closures.

Length: 3cm / Width: 3cm

Please bare in mind that imperfections such as slight discoloration, residue, and tarnishing are normal due to the nature of vintage and pre-owned items. Slight variations in color may occur online or across different media. All measurements are approximate. 

General Care
Please remove jewelry when exercising, bathing, swimming and cleaning. Metal oxidizes with time and exposure to different elements. While this is normal, contact with other liquids and excess moisture can expedite this process. Wipe jewelry with a soft moist cloth after each wear. Always check if the commercial jewelry cleaner you use is safe for the specific type of metal or gem.

Store your jewelry in segmented drawers or in a clean, dry jewelry box. We advise you to store your jewelry in The Library jewelry box/pouch (provided for every order) to reduce potential environmental or physical damage.